Job Hunts & Code Challenges

Posted by Gina on March 31, 2019

While searching for a job, I have come accross multiple different tasks or challenges related to code. A lot of challenges are related to data science and algorithms so it essential to practice and learn as much as you can about exactly that. In my last post I have described the big O and left a youtube link for helpful videos. Today I will leave you with a link to a site that offers code challenges with their solutions.

The more familiar you will get with these challenges, the easier it will be. Usually companies give you a time limit and around 3 tasks that need to get fullfilled. Sometimes it is a function that needs to be improved by fixing bugs - tests work fine, but it will end up causing issues for larger scale input - sometimes you have to write out the whole function. Be sure to read the instructions carefully and think of as many edge cases as you can. Performance is always important unless they specifically write that it is not. That has been the biggest challenge for me in these so far. The test are not written for large scale and therefore cannot detect any performance issues. By practicing you will get more familiar with how to handle those challenges.

Another option for potential employers are code exercises which most of the time will be a github links that you will fork and push back up when finished. The instructions are in the read me and the most challenging part in those was getting used to the already existing code - especially if there are parts you have never worked with before.

Currently, I am looking into MongoDB because it is used in a code exercise that I am working with and as mentioned the hardest part is just getting started with the code that already exists. Once I figure that out, it will be just fine. The tasks in the read me make sense to me so it is crucial to just get to that part. Keep in mind to double check your code before submitting it back to the company and again, read the instructions thoroughly.

Good luck on all your challenges, I will see you next week!