The Confusing Life of Learning a sort of New Language

Posted by Gina on January 21, 2019

I am a Ruby developer, so yay to that! That also means that we have now moved on to a different language. Javascript, here I come! When I describe coding and its different languages to people I describe coding as one big language that has many different dialects such as Ruby or Javascript. In my humble opinion it all seems sort of the same but changes in the way same things are constructed. Suddenly methods are functions, the initialize method turns into a constructor function, there is a lot more parenthesis and no ends. Getting through the ‘new’ Javascript intro was somewhat difficult for me. As I was reading along, I realized quickly that it is all similar and lost interest almost right away. The biggest challenge for me was definitely getting through the initial lessons and labs in the last two weeks. Procrastination and distraction was never an issue for me but I struggled with that immensely the past weeks. But! I have overcome that hurdle and now we are onto Javascript that is a little more in depth and not the same as Ruby. So here we are, onto a newish chapter, almost 4 months into the program. It is crazy how fast everything went by. This whole program so far has definitely taught me, that no matter what you bring at me, I am up for a challenge and I always fight my way through it!