
A snippet of my path to becoming a full blown web developer

Keep On It

So the bootcamp is over. What to do next? Learn something new of course! As mentioned in my previous blog, I started using mongoDB which is great and exciting and new. But there is something else that is very important. Do not forget to keep coding in the languages that you already know. You do not want to risk forgetting anything so be sure to create a new Rails application with a Javascript, React front end. Try to do something that you have not done yet. Either way, it is crucial to keep coding. It is easy to forget the syntax of a specific language if not keeping up with it. So on my to do list is a new Rails application that uses mongoDB as the database instead of SQL. That way I am implementing something new while still using my already learned syntax.

Job Hunts & Code Challenges

While searching for a job, I have come accross multiple different tasks or challenges related to code. A lot of challenges are related to data science and algorithms so it essential to practice and learn as much as you can about exactly that. In my last post I have described the big O and left a youtube link for helpful videos. Today I will leave you with a link to a site that offers code challenges with their solutions.


Now that I have graduated Flatiron School it is time to prepare for the job market. Data Science is an important part of Code Challenges and I am excited to be learning about it. Here is a great YouTube channel that I have been watching to help get introduced to this completely different topic.

The Final Project - React/Redux Here I Come!

It has been 6 months of an incredible experience and I have arrived at the last project. As everybody always says: Time flew. I cannot believe I have arrived at the end already. The best part about it was that I already knew what I was going to do about my project and that I was incredibly excited about it. Today is Thursday, I started on Monday and my project is done as far as requirements go. It always took me over a week and there was a lot of stress involved. This time though it was just pure determination and excitement.

Video Game Review App 2.0

What a struggle this week has been! To be honest it did not even have that much to do with the actual coding but more so with my mental health. I believe I have mentioned before that starting a project is super hard. There are so many things that need to get done and you just do not know where to start. With this project it was so much more intense in my opinion. Throughout my entire journey of this program, I by far felt the least prepared for Javascript. Even though I did all the lessons I just had issues with understanding purposes of things (serialization), and figuring out what is what (javascript vanilla, jquery). After multiple breakdowns of me feeling unfit and not prepared whatsoever, I finally got myself together and asked for some help. I did as much coding as I could until I was stuck on every aspect. After talking to Enoch, I finally understand how to do this. Maybe it was not even the right way but for me it worked well. I started using the debugger and pry everywhere and all the time. I made sure to know what ‘this’ was and what data was coming in through get requests. If things that I needed did not come through I made sure to get them any way possible. There were still issues that I could not resolve but after my 1:1 and meeting with my team mate, I felt so much better and was able to finish up my project. Another thing that really bothered me mentally was having to destroy so many parts of my old rails application. I worked so hard on it and having to delete things that might have taking me hours to build was a little heartbreaking. Now of course it still has the same functionality but is way more fluid and easier to use. So overalll I am very happy with what I have created and am super proud that I figured it out especially after such a diffcult week. Off to the next adventure!